HUT #1 - NURP 40 WT 194.jpg

APP017 - NURP.40.TW.194

NURP.40.TW.194, 2014

A permanent installation outside Bletchley Station. The hut has no obvious entrance but has a small brass letterbox capable of receiving messages.

The work references various aspects of Bletchley's rich history but draws particular attention to the history of Bletchey Park and the code breakers who worked there during WW2.

The gable ends of the hut are cast in fine glass-reinforced concrete and detail a 1938 OS Map of Bletchley.

NURP.40.TW.194 is named after a military pigeon who never made it home and to this day, its secret message remains unsolved.

In keeping with the mapping theme, we engaged visitors of the Bletchley Park Festival by exchanging Yokohama Tulip bulbs in return for a postcode of the intended planting site. Maps showing the bulb distribution can be seen in the images on the left.

Location – Bletchley (Outside Bletchley Train Station)

Materials – Corten Steel, galvanised steel, glass reinforced concrete, brass letterbox detail.